Mainline Integrity Investigations
In 2013 Ahtna Construction was awarded 2 portions of the X513 Mainline Integrity Investigations Project – Release A (fall work) and Release C (summer Work). The overall scope consisted of 9 mainline pipe excavations on the Trans Alaska Pipeline System at mileposts 515.44, 574.49, 590.23, 593.87, 756.74, 757.87, 783.61, 794.64 and 798.97. Several of the excavations were located on steep slopes (PLMP 783.61 – 46% grade and PLMP 756.74 . 50% grade) that required special consideration and planning to complete the job safely. Work activities included road construction, pipe excavation, asbestos sampling and abatement, sandblasting, painting, cathodic protection installation and repair, slurry form and pour, backfill, and site restoration.

Oil Spill Response
Ahtna Construction’s Response Team at the Glennallen Response Base provides oil spill response in accordance with Alyeska Pipeline Service Company.s Oil Spill Contingency Plan. The crew is required to have cross functional training (composite crew) with the skill sets of a laborer, teamster and operator. In addition to always being response ready, crew members provide maintenance and construction services in support of baseline activities. Notable activities in 2013: Gulkana River Bridge Ice Jam Response, Right of Way Snow Removal, Aufeis Mitigation, Brushing, and Erosion Repairs. Oil Spill Activities were highlighted by participation in a combined resources drill on the Gulkana River in October.

VSM Replacement at Squirrel Creek
Support VSM replacement at PLMP 717.40, Squirrel Creek South Slope Bents 196 and 197. Ahtna Construction worked with the drilling contractor to place the VSMs. The main portion of this work was civil. Material from the hillside was removed and replaced with more stable material. Drilling pads were constructed to accommodate the drill rig operation. During site restoration wood chip were placed to insulate the hillside.

Talkeetna Airport Improvements & Pavement Rehabilitation
Client: AK Dept. of Transportation & PF – CR
Magnitude: $6,800,000
Scope of Work: The project goal was to repair the existing airfields, runway, and taxi lanes as well as construct new parking aprons and taxi lanes to accommodate the growing town of Talkeetna.
Client Rating: Outstanding

Rivers & Flood Plains Repair
Client: Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
Magnitude: $5,500,000
Scope of Work: Rivers and floodplains work is a company-wide program that was created to efficiently and proactively address
the threat of flood damage during spring break-up and the summer rainy season.
Client Rating: Outstanding

Sag River Emergency
Repairs & Improvements
Client: Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
Magnitude: $5,500,000
Scope of Work: The purpose of this project is to investigate and confirm the integrity of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in response to the recent (Spring 2019) flood events involving the Sagavanirktok River, between PLMPs 22.5 & 32.8.
Client Rating: Outstanding

Tanana Sill Groin
Client: US Army Corps of Engineers
Scope of Work: Repair the Tanana sill protection groin at the Chena River Lakes Flood Control Project near North Pole, Alaska. Procure, transport and place 91,400 tons of Class IV rip rap on the Tanana sill groin toe and slope.
Client Rating: Exceptional